Monday, July 21, 2008

Knee Swelling, Talk Therapy, and My Amazing Human Body

In Fall 2004, I began to have some problems with my left knee. There was strain when I walked, weakness during my dance class, and increased swelling. When the discomfort was acute, I treated myself with Ibuprofen or Motrin, which was a blessing because at those times it made the difference between comfortably ambulating or painfully limping and feeling somewhat self-conscious.

Eventually the discomfort graduated to chronic pain, which is when I decided it was time to do something about it. With Kathy's guidance, I arranged a series of Neural Depolarization sessions to take place in late June 2005, to coincide with a week of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation in Pittsboro.

The first two days of the week I worked with Kathy in talk therapy. It was a wonderful two hours each morning. My knee was only a minor point during those sessions. We focused on my life in general and on specific issues that were concerning me. It felt so good to gain some new perspectives on myself, to open up new ways of thinking about pursuing my greatest goals, and over all to renew a sense of hope about making changes in my life. As those two days unfolded, so did my comfort and sense of well-being. I was primed for Neural Depolarization.

On the third morning, we started the NDP. It had been quite awhile since I had been on Kathy's table - a year or two? I wasn't certain what to expect. I just hoped that my body chemistry would respond to her touch and energy, and that my whole body would be stimulated to heal. I especially wanted my knee to get better. I wondered how effective NDP could be with this injury.

Later that afternoon (maybe 3-4 hours after the NDP session), I noticed that the swelling in my knee had subsided. The discomfort that I had felt for months was definitely less. I excitedly shared this development with Kathy and Margaret. What would the next day bring?

On the fourth morning I eagerly jumped onto Kathy's table. Again we did a full two-hour NDP session. It was so relaxing. As the session came to an end and Kathy moved her hands over my back to balance my energy, I felt a strong, distinct electromagnetism extending off my back up toward her hands. It's hard to describe the feeling, but it was like my back was waking up and reaching outward and upward to say hello to life. It was a sensation of aliveness. I hadn't felt anything quite like that before.

That afternoon I could plainly see that the swelling had subsided even more. In tact, I could hardly see it at all, whereas for several months beforehand it had been quite obvious. I felt great, and I had the knowing that NDP was making a significant difference in the way my body was functioning. I was healing, which stirred me because even though I had studied NDP for five years as one of Kathy's students, I had not experienced in my own body such a dramatic change as a result of it. My concept of NDP's potential to bring about change expanded a lot.

On the fifth and last morning of my week, Kathy again worked on me for two hours, giving a good deal of attention to both knees. At the end of the session, she positioned the stepping stool to help me get down. But I remember swinging off the other side of the table like a gymnast! I was full of energy and ready to run.

That night some friends came over for a cook-out and a swim. It was the most enjoyable night I had had in a long time. The warm summer air enveloped me, and I felt happy. There was no swelling in my knee at all; I felt no discomfort or pain. I wanted to tell everyone about this wonderful NDP work and about my week of immersion in healing.

I hope summer vacations in the future will be like this one. Actually, I hope that every day I will live with this same excitement and joy, knowing that my body has all that it needs to heal itself - if my cells are given a chance to balance themselves and gradually detoxify, which is what I feel NDP does. By working directly with my nervous system, NDP helps all of me, all of my cells, function to their fullest capacity.

As I write this, it's been two months since my week with Kathy. My knee has not been swollen even one time since then. I do not have chronic pain anymore, and I rarely have even slight pain.

But I have a lot of work to keep it this way and continue improving. I think it would be smart to do some strengthening exercises, and avoid old patterns like crossing my legs all the time at my desk job, and wearing heels. Moreover, I would like to keep up with the NDP. I can do it on myself, too. But going for regular visits would be good. After all, there's no such thing as too balanced or too healthy.

I also want to learn more about my amazing human body. The idea that I am designed as a self-healing organism feels like a powerful thought to me. It' sa lot of responsibility to stay healthy and strong. But it's a lot of fun, too. That's why I'm looking forward to next summer and (if I'm lucky) to another week of healing in Pittsboro.

Linda Bruce

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smile, it's free therapy.